{S:X;X;0;0;Contents of the December 1994 ZLine Disc{ITR-X} V 1.0 \– 28th November 1994}
{S:X;X;0;1;Keywords:{ITT-X}ZLine Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;2;AcornShow5{ITR-X}{ITR-X}I believe that the market for Archimedes hardware and software products has changed since the Harrogate Show\—but where is Fireworkz Pro and Recordz \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;3;Basic01{ITR-X}{ITR-X}For some time now I've been gently soliciting for programs in BASIC. Now I've been sent a couple which will be of some interest to mathematicians \– A J Whitehead}
{S:X;X;0;4;Booting01{ITR-X}{ITR-X}It would seem that those of you who started with early machines and gradually upgraded them (filling up your !System.Modules directory with patches) are the people who have most trouble with booting. Others with a Risc PC have similar problems \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;5;DateFns01{ITR-X}{ITR-X}This directory includes a couple of custom functions. [DateToN] which transforms a date to a serial day number. [NToDate] performs the inverse function \– A G Rimmer}
{S:X;X;0;6;Dicts00{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Problems installing user dictionaries \– Jack Laverack}
{S:X;X;0;7;Dongle03{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Frustration when using CC Turbo Drivers and Compression.{ITR-X}Is there a compromise solution \– Barry Hepburn}
{S:X;X;0;8;DrawPlus03{ITR-X}{ITR-X}The third article in the series 'Getting Started with DrawPlus'\\\; the Library \– Ian M Mackenzie}
{S:X;X;0;9;Hardware02{ITR-X}{ITR-X}I have received more letters about the article in Hardware01 than all the other articles on that disc put together. In this second article of the series I discuss 'back up' storage, the use of hard and replaceable discs \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;10;Help07{ITR-X}{ITR-X}The new Font Manager \– Gerald L Fitton{ITR-X}Printers & Colours \– Gerald L Fitton{ITR-X}Fireworkz to PipeDream \– Alistair W A Munro{ITR-X}Cricket Statistics \– Gerald L Fitton{ITR-X}Chess Games \– P J Tolhurst{ITR-X}InkJet Refills \– Ian M Mackenzie{ITR-X}Save and Restore Position \– Wim Ekels{ITR-X}Currency Conversion \– Danny Kilgariff{ITR-X}Archimedes to Psion \– Ian M H Williamson{ITR-X}Cross Checks \– Gerald L Fitton{ITR-X}An Integer Arithmetic Puzzle \– Colin Singleton{ITR-X}Risc PC or plain PC \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;11;ILine02{ITR-X}{ITR-X}The ILine User Group for users of Style and Publisher. The first disc is the January 1994 disc. We're offering subscriptions at special introductory prices which are £4.00 off the usual prices. If you have a contribution to the first ILine disc then we'll be pleased to hear from you (particularly if you use our ILine template) \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;12;Index02{ITR-X}{ITR-X}This is the second of a short series of articles in which I shall describe how the Index functions and Array functions of Fireworkz are used \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;13;LiveDate{ITR-X}{ITR-X}How to include a live date in a letter template which can then be 'fixed' \– Roger M King}
{S:X;X;0;14;MapGrid{ITR-X}{ITR-X}An upgrade to the BASIC program which converts a National Grid Reference to Latitude and Longitude. Any chance of an inverse function \– A J Whitehead}
{S:X;X;0;15;NetFSbug{ITR-X}{ITR-X}If you use Fireworkz on a network then you need this module to fix the bug which overrides your Save options and loses your work \– Wim Ekels}
{S:X;X;0;16;NewModes{ITR-X}{ITR-X}If you send me or other authors a sprite file then make sure we can read it. If you have problems with Sprites with your Risc PC then you need a new TaskX \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;17;RiscPC03{ITR-X}{ITR-X}Why I want (and need?) a Risc PC \– Denis P M Murray-Smith}
{S:X;X;0;18;Risc_Win01{ITR-X}{ITR-X}If you're going to use Fireworkz (or other packages) across two platforms (Archimedes & PC) then these are some of the precautions you should take \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;19;Sprites{ITR-X}{ITR-X}How to recover the correct colour rendering of sprites which appear to have been corrupted by the new Colours module provided with Printers V 1.22 \– Roger M King}
{S:X;X;0;20;Style04{ITR-X}{ITR-X}In the fourth part of this series I discuss why the use of Styles rather than Effects is essential when you need to replicate a layout. The chosen example is compliment slips but the advice given applies to replicating a label to fill a sheet or replicating a table layout \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;21;ZLIndex{ITR-X}{ITR-X}The most recent ZLine index files in ArcScan format \– Roger M King}
{S:X;X;0;22;ZLineWord2{ITR-X}{ITR-X}This is the second article in the series which describes the use of Fireworkz as a word processor. In this article the Style menus are discussed \– Albert W Kitchenside}